Why should I go there?

This international youth gathering of Orthodox volunteers has been held since 2005 and knows no equals in the world. “Bratya” unites orthodox young people and gives a chance for them to get acquainted and share their experiences. At this festival one can communicate with clergymen on different topics in a friendly atmosphere.

“Bratya” is taking place at Borodino Field near the town of Mozhaisk in the Moscow region, the place of the decisive battle between the Russian army under Kutuzov and Napoleon's Grand army on the 7th of September 1812. Remains and ashes of more than 50 thousand killed in the battle lie here in common graves.

If you come to this festival, you will find for sure lots of new friends and likeminded people. There you will venerate holy relics of Russian Saints, have a chance to listen to lectures of celebrated theologists and clergymen, take part in intellectual and educational games, performances, go on a pilgrimage tour and a cross procession, stay at Night Divine Service and get other beneficial things that “Bratya” is ready to offer.

If you still hesitate whether you should go or not, just think: when but now?